Our Coaches

  • Senior Coach and Change Expert, ABChange Consultancy

    Inspiring leaders to lead the future with confidence and resilience.

    Jennifer is dedicated at putting people at the heart of decision making, she uses a pragmatic approach to the behavioural elements of leadership and change with real commercial insight in my coaching practice. Her philosophy is there is no learning without change and no change without learning, thus enabling clients to embark on a journey that achieves their specific and unique goals.”

    Jennifer is a Fellow of the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel Development), Top 50 Workplace Leader and Vice President of the ACMP UK (Association of Change Management Professionals) with qualifications with the BPS (British Psychological Society), Prosci, Member of the International Coaching Federation, Member of the World Institute of Action Learning, and a MSc in Learning and Development of Adults. I am also a published author, columnist for Workplace Insight Magazine, TEDx and global speaker.

    Jennifer has consulted on multiple programmes with over 40 different organisations across different industries such as Microsoft, Mott MacDonald and Barclays to name a few. She has also been a guest lecturer at Loughborough University and St. Mary’s University and collaborated with Henley Business School of Management on research projects, as well as, spoken at a number of their events. She has collaborated with a number of industry leaders, such as Megan Reitz and John Higgins, on research and network projects in order to stay up to date with the latest thinking and future thinking on leadership.

  • Founding Director, Sticky Change

    Life-changing coach who inspires my clients to achieve their full potential

    With over 20 years of experience as an Executive Coach, Fiona specialises in empowering senior leaders to deepen their self-awareness and overcome both business and personal challenges. Drawing on her extensive expertise in psychology, business and leadership, she cultivates an environment of psychological safety in which her coachees are both supported and challenged to unlock the insights and strategies essential for lasting, meaningful growth.
    As a Founding Director of Sticky Change, She delivers 1:1 and team coaching to senior leaders across a diverse range of industries, including FMCG, Technology, Finance, Utilities, Food, Medical, and Public sectors, both in the UK and internationally.
    Originally a Microbiology graduate, Fiona pivoted to pursue an MBA, which led her into the learning and development field. She then became a Member of the Institute of Personnel and Development and later – when her partners and her founded Sticky Change – Fiona then went on to complet a Diploma in Advanced Executive Coaching. Qualified in a variety of psychometric tools, including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Everything DiSC, Talogy EIP3 Emotional Intelligence, and the 5 Behaviours of a Cohesive Team. With additional training in numerous psychological methodologies, such as NLP, Positive Intelligence and Immunity to Change, I blend a pragmatic, business-focused approach with a solid foundation of academic rigour.

  • Enabling Growth in Leaders, Teams and Organisations with Powerful Insights to Maximise Performance.

    As an accomplished Leadership coach, facilitator, and Development Programme Architect, she is passionate about seeing movement and growth in individuals and teams over time. Establishing rapport quickly to build trust, her approach is to enhance coaching with insights to help uncover blind spots, enabling positive changes and guiding clients to think differently and shift behaviours. Sarah specialises in emotional intelligence, communication, strengths-based development, resilience and stress & recovery balance and team dynamics and relationships. Clients tell her they value my collaborative, pragmatic, respectful and empathetic approach.

    Her background is in corporate HR Leadership roles, having held senior HR and Talent Management roles in global Financial and Professional service organisations. Sarah has since gone on to co-found and run her own business, Make Waves Group, utilising my vast strategic and commercial experience in my field to support a wide range of clients across many sectors. She has built and led teams that are responsible for developing and delivering the People and Talent strategies, regularly partnering with the C-Suite and senior leaders and have a rich history of designing and delivering frameworks, interventions and development programmes that foster growth.

    As a Strengthscope Master and accredited ECR, EQi, Voiceprint and FirstBeat practitioner, she values the data and insight that psychological and physiological tools provide to elevate our understanding of ourselves.

    Sarah can work at pace and navigate complex situations and environments and have been used to working with companies in high growth phase or those going through transformations. She has. coached and developed many teams, leaders and high potentials to achieve higher performance or move on to bigger roles.

  • Founding Director, Sticky Change

    Making the difference to my coachee, their life, team and organisation

    Mary is unashamedly passionate about nurturing people. Her purpose is to make a difference to individuals, their lives, their teams and organisations. To achieve the change they want to achieve, both personally and organisationally. Ideally, these changes are not random - working together as coach and coachee, building on their strengths, her clients’ decisions are carefully chosen, critically evaluated, appropriately introduced and thoroughly embedded. The right changes, introduced in the right ways, that get the results that her coachees want.
    Mary is all about nurturing self-awareness, confidence, offering genuine empathy but providing challenge and encouraging different perspectives along the way. To help her coachee find their mojo! That and the very best version of themselves!
    Mary brings a wealth of experience and education, including a BA in languages, an MBA, and a whole host of certifications, from MBTI to Applied Neuroscience for Coaches. She is an accredited team coach for Applied Critical Thinking and whether she’s working with executives or entire teams, Mary always aims to create an environment where learning is not only effective but also enjoyable.

    A Founding Director of Sticky Change, over the years, she has had the privilege of coaching people from diverse organisations both home and abroad: easyJet, Heineken, Vodafone, British Gas, BT, HSBC, various local councils, universities and charities, the IAEA … to name but a few. Mary is looking forward to be of service to you too.

  • Personal Development Coach

    As an experienced leadership coach, Kathryn is passionate about supporting leaders in enabling them to lead with authenticity and confidence. Her coaching is based on creating a safe space where my clients feel empowered to be vulnerable and explore solutions to drive performance of themselves and others.

    With a successful career spanning over thirty years, this has given her knowledge and experience of leadership, team work and business ownership. Kathryn has had a golden thread throughout my career of supporting people, as individuals, teams and groups. Having had the opportunity to work in industries including Fitness, Recruitment, HR, Marketing, MoD, Defence & Civil amongst others, this has provided with a valuable insight to the common ground of business operations and performance.

    Before focusing on Coaching, Kathryn has an extensive background in business development and stakeholder management which included managing teams through times of change and transition whilst ensuring the workforce remain engaged and supportive in a structured and cohesive manner.

    She have supplemented my career, experience and passion with a host of training including Personal Performance Coaching, Change Management, and Lean Six Sigma Green Belt which has enabled me to become a successful business owner and Coach where I have both long standing clients and a host of corporate organisations through recommendation.

    As a Coach, Kathryn has enabled individuals to find direction in their career, to make key decisions with confidence, to lead with authenticity and drive sustainable performance as well as supporting teams to become high performing through Transformation and Transition with their organisations.

  • Executive Coach, Facilitator and Leadership Trainer

    Motivating leaders to achieve their goals and work through challenges by unlocking new thinking.

    Sue has more than ten years’ experience as an executive coach working with leaders at all levels. With unconditional positive regard for everyone she coaches, her approach combines both support and challenge to help leaders develop their confidence and find new ways to move forward with their goals or challenges

    Sue's passion is to help people to become ‘unstuck’, to unlock new insights into their own behaviour and to find ways to bring about change.

    All of this has been learned from her own experience in leading teams for many years as a journalist in BBC News and, for the last twelve years, as part of the BBC’s Leadership Development team. Here, she designed and delivered leadership programmes at all career stages as well as bespoke workshops. She believes that people can only lead others once they understand themselves, so my focus is on emotional intelligence, effective communication and resilient leadership.

    Sue trained as an Executive Coach in 2011 and, as well as coaching clients at all levels and across both the public and private sectors. She is also an accredited team and career coach.

    Sue has played key roles in two of the BBC’s organisational change programmes and, as a result, has a clear understanding of what’s needed for successful transformation. This experience shaped the courses she designed on Leading Change.

  • Facilitating growth through a multidisciplinary approach, which uncovers blind spots and their interplays, to propel and sustain performance.

    Kate is an executive performance and wellbeing coach. She combines business growth and leadership experience, with a deeply human-centric approach from her training and expertise in psychology, neuroscience, physiology and behavioural change.

    Kate cares about helping leaders uncover blind-spots and to understand what these blind-spots bring and cause. She believe that to achieve sustainable growth it’s essential to consider the whole person, in all aspects of their life, and within the various systems that they live and work. Clients describe me as warm, grounded and intuitive, with the ability to deeply understand and support individuals, teams and organisations.

    With over 20 years, Kate has first hand commercial experience in CEO, Founder and Director roles and over 8,000 coaching hours applied to leaders, their teams, Executive Teams and Boards internationally and across numerous sectors.

    Her background in business leadership, strategy, sales, cultural change and P&L accountability coupled with a specialist background in performance psychology, talent management, neuroscience and physiology provides me with a unique perspective on what it means, and takes, to achieve sustainable growth.

    Master coach trained in 2003 by the Institute of Human Development (Adrian Gilpin), Kate has built out my coaching practices to embody Psychological, Emotional, Behavioural, Physiological and Systemic practices in a holistic approach. I am qualified in a large range of profiling and insights tools, which equip me to blend data and science with empathy and intuition. She is a leading Global practioner of VoicePrint (for improving communication dexterity and influencing) and a FirstBeat Assessor for Heart Rate Variability and Lifestyle Assessment promoting wellbeing and the prevention and/or recovery of burnout.